Important Notice
These DoRAs are broken due to poor implementation both in A1111 and ComfyUI. We will be removing DoRA support and upgrading LoRA instead. See more information here.
flattening, flat,→foreshortening,
Positive (trigger optional)
flattening, flat,
Target: perspective, image composition, image color, color balance, scene composition, woman, man, landscape, objects, items, character, female, male, 1girl, 1boy, scene, image, clothing, face, body, physique, eyes, hair, furniture, building, vegetation, underwear, bed, table, chair, room, window, door, background, foreground, composition, color palette, detail, lighting, clarity, sharpness, texture, contrast, focus, resolution, realism, stylization, shading, highlights, shadows, anatomy, expression, pose, perspective, depth, atmosphere, environment, accessories, fabric, material, quality, finish, surface, style, form, structure, balance, proportion, symmetry, dynamic range, vibrancy, saturation, tone, hue, aesthetic, mood, ambiance, scenery, props, setting, framing, arrangement, composition elements, artistic elements, boy, girl, breasts, thighs, iris, pupil, limbal ring, body tone, hand, arm, leg, feet, torso, hip, pelvis, skin, skin tone, skin detail, bra, panties, shirt, pants, top, bottom, colors, color composition, shadow, perspective, image perspective, viewer perspective, shading style, skin pores, skin complexion, complexion, skin details, skin color, skin quality, skin fuzz, wrinkle, wrinkles, dimple, blush, skin translucency, translucency, subsurface scattering, vein, veins, skin veins, skin imperfections, skin crease, mole, skin mole, scar, contour, skin contour, makeup, freckles, body freckles, tan lines, laugh lines, crow's feet, mole on thigh, mole on breast, mole on skin, translucent veins, subdermal veins, subdermal translucency, beauty marks, healthy glow, textured skin, soft dimples, skin creases, subcutaneous veins, clear skin
Attributes: accurate, logical, precise,
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